Benefits summary
好色导航 offers a generous, comprehensive benefits package for faculty and staff who are in a position that is scheduled to work 30 or more hours per week. Choose between excellent medical and dental programs, plan for your future with retirement options, enjoy generous vacation and sick time benefits, life insurance, tuition assistance and much more.
Medical insurance
Eligibility starts on the first day of the month following date of hire or transfer into an eligible position. Spouse, domestic partners and dependent children are eligible to join medical and dental plans.
Medical insurance
Choose between two plans: Kaiser and Kaiser Added Choice. This year Reed pays 100% of the cost of the Kaiser plan for faculty and staff coverage and 60% of the Kaiser cost for eligible dependents. Reed pays this same dollar amount towards the Kaiser Added Choice plan with employees picking up the cost difference.
Dental insurance
Choose between three plans: Willamette Dental, Kaiser dental and Metlife dental plans. This year Reed pays 100% of the cost of the Willamette Dental plans for faculty and staff coverage and 60% of the Willamette Dental cost for eligible dependents. Reed pays the same dollar amount towards the Kaiser and Metlife dental plans with employees picking up the cost difference.
Flexible spending accounts
Healthcare are and dependent care flexible spending accounts allow you to pay through salary reduction (and therefore from pre-tax dollars) any qualified healthcare related expenses not reimbursed by insurance plans and for certain dependent daycare expenses.
Time off
Holidays and administrative leave days
There are eleven paid holidays per calendar year: New Year's Eve, New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Juneteenth, July 4th, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Additional administrative leave paid days off may also be granted at the discretion of the president of the college including half day Fridays during the summer. Depending on job assignment, not all employees will be able to take advantage of half day Fridays.
Vacation and sick time for staff
Vacation time accrues on a per pay period basis starting with the first pay date at a rate of 22 days per year, pro-rated for less than full time. Sick leave is accrued at a rate of 1 day per month, pro-rated for less than full time.
Other insurance
Life insurance
Reed provides group term insurance in an amount of two times annual salary to a maximum of $300.000. The plan also provides accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) coverage. In addition, eligible faculty and staff may choose to elect supplemental life and (AD&D) coverage.
Disability insurance
Eligibility begins at one year of service. Short-term disability is self insured by Reed. The college pays 60% of salary after all accrued sick leave and vacation leave is used if you are disabled for six months or more.
The long-term disability plan provides a monthly income equal to 60% of basic monthly earnings after 180 days of disability.
Eligibility for Reed contributions into the plan starts after one year of service. Once eligible, Reed contributes the equivalent of 10% of pre-tax earnings into the plan. All faculty and staff are also able to make their own voluntary contributions.
The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association and College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA) hold the funds in this plan. Participants are immediately vested when the first contribution is made. All accumulations belong to the individual, regardless of whether or not they continue to be employed by Reed.
Retiree medical benefit
Benefits eligible faculty and staff working at least half time are eligible for contributions starting at age 40. The college makes a monthly contribution to a retirement medical account in your name. Contributions will begin at age 40 and continue for 25 years while working. Participants are vested when they reach age 55 or greater and have at least 20 years of service in a regular position of at least half time.
Education benefits
Tuition remission
Staff are eligible after completing at least 6 years and faculty are eligible if tenured. Spouse and partners are eligible for a waiver of two-thirds of Reed tuition. Dependent children are eligible for a full waiver for Reed and two-thirds waivers for any other accredited college.
Staff education assistance
Staff members have the opportunity to apply for up to $4,000 per year in education assistance to further their professional or personal development through formal education.
Free parking
There is no cost to park in any of the parking lots on campus.
Discounts for TriMet
Reed faculty and staff are able to purchase monthly TriMet public transportation passes on campus and receive a 50% discount.
Bike commuting
Bike commuters may also be eligible for up to $240 reimbursement from the college each year for bike expenses. Please note that we are required to tax this reimbursement.
Other benefits
Lunchtime fitness classes
The wellness committee sponsors discounted lunchtime fitness classes from yoga to weight training.
Employee assistance program (EAP)
Eligible faculty and staff can use this program immediately upon hire. The EAP is a free and confidential benefit that can assist you and your family members with personal issues, including crisis, financial and legal counseling.
Home mortgage loan program
Regular full time faculty and staff with in 4th, 5th and 6th year of employment are eligible to apply for a loan from the college to make a down payment on a mortgage loan.
Backpacking co-op
Faculty and staff can rent backpacking gear from the co-op at no charge.
Reed cabin
This historic ski cabin on Mt. Hood is available by reservation year-round for use by Reed faculty and staff.
Sports center
The campus sports center is available at no cost to faculty and staff. Facilities include weight room, cardio room, swimming pool and climbing wall.
All college faculty and staff enjoy full privileges at the library. Reed ID cards serve as library cards and allow access not only to the library’s collection of books, but also to resources around the world via inter-library loan.
When eating in commons, the campus dining facility, faculty and staff receive a 10% discount on purchases with food flex dollars on their Reed ID cards.
This is a summary only and does not contain detailed information about eligibility and other specific information.