
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

December 6 - December 12, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 3
Animal issue responses: 1
AOD interactions: 0
Building patrols: 252
Community assistance responses: 2
Escorts: 8
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 387
Held door checks: 13
Maintenance issue responses: 2
Medical assistance responses: 2
Noise complaint responses: 1
Suspicious circumstance responses: 14
Theft reports taken: 3
Unlocks: 63
Vehicle patrols: 306
Vehicle assistance responses: 1
Welfare check responses: 0


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210528
Date: 2021 12 07
Time: 1629
Description: Damage to Property/Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Naito Hall

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered open windows at the Naito Hall first floor common room. The CSO secured all of the windows and upon closer inspection of the exterior, it was evident that the window screen had been pried open and bent outward. It did not look as if the screen had been bent enough to allow entrance through the window. A request was sent to Building Services for screen repairs.


Case #: 210529 - VOID


Case #: 210530
Date: 2021 12 08
Time: 0146
Description: Theft From Vehicle
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the lower North Lot encountered a vehicle with its left rear passenger side window smashed out. There was shattered glass on the vehicle seats and on the pavement below the door. A backpack had been placed on the trunk of the vehicle and appeared to have been rummaged through. The vehicle was registered with Community Safety, so Dispatch was able to contact the vehicle owner notifying them of the damage.


Case #: 210531
Date: 2021 12 08
Time: 0423
Description: Theft - Bike Parts
Location: Trillium

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a theft in progress on the east side of the Trillium residence hall. The CSO met the reporting party who stated that the individual had left with both tires of a bike, the frame remaining secured to the bike rack. The CSO was unable to locate the individual who had taken the tires.


Case #: 210532
Date: 2021 12 09
Time: 0014
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a theft in progress in the West Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO met with the reporting party who stated that they had overheard a conversation wherein, when asked by passersby, an individual stated that they were working on their car. The reporter then witnessed the individual get into a silver compact car and exit the West Lot, heading north. The CSO confirmed that the vehicle that had been “being worked on'' was missing its catalytic converter. Additionally, the jack that had been placed under the vehicle to raise it was positioned incorrectly and had dented the underside of the vehicle. As the vehicle is registered with Community Safety, Dispatch was able to contact the vehicle owner, who arrived on scene. The CSO recommended the vehicle owner file a police report and alert their insurance company of the theft. Another CSO attempted to locate the vehicle that had exited the lot but was unable to do so. 


Case #: 210533
Date: 2021 12 09
Time: 2006
Description: Information Only
Location: Growing Seeds Child Care

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered two doors that had been left unlocked and ajar at the Growing Seeds child care center. A second CSO arrived and together they performed an interior patrol. No signs of suspicious activity were observed. The CSOs ensured the building was secured and the alarm was armed then cleared the scene.


Case #: 210534
Date: 2021 12 11
Time: 1228
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to check on a student possibly experiencing a medical emergency. The CSOs arrived and met with the student who reported that they were feeling better than when they had requested assistance. The CSOs asked if the student wanted to be seen by a medical professional but the student declined, saying they’d like to wait a bit longer to see how they felt. The CSOs and student agreed that the CSOs would check back with the student in one hour and the CSOs cleared from the call. Before the hour was up, the student called Dispatch to report that they were feeling much better and no longer desired a check in. 


Case #: 210535
Date: 2021 12 12
Time: 1117
Description: Harassment
Location: Campus facility

Notes: CS received a report of harassment involving physical contact between students. 


Case #: 210536
Date: 2021 12 12
Time: 1027
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Birchwood Apartments

Notes: CSOs responded to a report of a break in at the Birchwood Apartments. The CSO met with the residents who reported that they were woken up by sounds of somebody in their apartment around 10 am. When they went to check on the noises they encountered an individual in their bathroom, still fully clothed, but were preparing to shower, as stated by the individual. The student stated that the individual did not have permission to be in the apartment and needed to leave. The individual did so without objection. The student stated to the CSO that they recognized the individual as a houseless person they sometimes see around campus. One CSO carried out a vehicle patrol of campus in an effort to locate the individual, but was unable to do so. The student also stated that before leaving, the individual had relayed to them that they were told the apartment was unoccupied. The student expressed concern that the apartments were being watched. The CSO stated that people in the area are aware that students leave campus during winter break, and that knowledge with the combination of move-out lists on doors possibly led the individual to believe that the information they had received was correct. The CSO commended the student on having the presence of mind to tell the individual to leave. The CSO also recommended that for proper security, the student should always use the dead-bolt to lock the door and not just the button lock, as the student stated they had done. When asked if the student would like to notify police the student declined. CS issued a Timely Warning as a result of this report.