
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 


December 19, 2022 - December 25, 2022

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 18
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 0
Building patrols: 274
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 2
Escorts: 3
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 178
Held door checks: 4
Maintenance issue responses: 1
Medical assistance responses: 0
Noise complaint responses: 0
Suspicious circumstance responses: 12
Theft reports taken: 1
Unlocks: 21
Vehicle patrols: 247
Vehicle assistance responses: 1
Welfare check responses: 0


Weekly Reports:


The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Narcan doses discovered missing this week: 0


Case #: 220465
Date: 2022 12 19
Time: 0837
Description: Information Only
Location: Campus

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for assistance regarding unwanted contact of a student by relatives.


Case #: 220466
Date: 2022 12 19
Time: 0918
Description: Burglary/Clery Act Reportable Incident
Location: Physical Plant

Notes: A CSO responded to a reported burglary from the Physical Plant. The CSO spoke with a grounds employee who reported that the southeast door to the garage had been broken and multiple pieces of equipment had been stolen. This included over a dozen chainsaws and leaf blowers, each valued at approximately $500. The grounds employee also planned on filing a report with the Portland Police.


Case #: 220467
Date: 2022 12 19
Time: 2101
Description: Graffiti
Location: Greenwood

Notes: A CSO on patrol of Greenwood encountered new graffiti on the support pillar underneath the building. Building Services has been contacted for removal of the graffiti.


Case #: 220468
Date: 2022 12 21
Time: 0818
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Prexy House

Notes: CSOs responded to a report of suspicious activity in the Prexy House. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with a staff member who reported that upon their arrival they had heard noises in one of the bathrooms. The staff member stated that they had initially thought that another coworker had arrived early, but they then heard someone exit through the back door. When the staff member discovered that there was no one else in the building, they searched the building and found the southwest facing exterior door unlocked. The staff member then called CS to report that it had been an unknown individual in the building that had left when they heard the staff member arrive. No items were found to be missing but one glass candle holder had been broken. No other damage was found after the CSOs performed a thorough walkthrough of the building.


Case #: 220469
Date: 2022 12 21
Time: 1347
Description: Theft - Other
Location: Eliot Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a theft report at Eliot Hall. The reporting staff member stated that upon returning to their office after a leave, they observed that a brand new iPad, still in its original packaging, had been stolen. Multiple other parties have access to the room via the number pad lock.


Case #: 220470
Date: 2022 12 22
Time: 1818
Description: Graffiti
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO encountered targeting graffiti on the wall of a basement bathroom of the GCC. Building Services has been contacted for removal of the graffiti.


Case #: 220471
Date: 2022 12 22
Time: 1951
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Upper North Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the upper north lot encountered a vehicle with its gas cap open. The CSO re-secured the gas cap and continued on their patrol.


Case #: 220472
Date: 2022 12 25
Time: 1453
Description: Damage to Property
Location: Sports Field

Notes: A CSO on vehicle patrol on the north side of campus encountered an unknown juvenile individual riding a gas powered motorbike up and down the hill between the upper and lower sports fields. The motorbike operator drove the bike up to a picnic table on the upper sports field and joined a group of people there. The CSO walked over and engaged in conversation with an adult member of the group and informed them that they were not allowed to ride the motorbike on campus. The group gathered up their supplies and exited campus. 


CS Survey Responses:

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names and pronouns mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the Reed community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.
You can take the survey here:   

Responses collected 12 27 2022
Unlock Met expectations
Unlock Surpassed expectations (Redacted) (I am pretty sure) came within about 5 minutes -- well and above and beyond expectations, and was very kind and friendly to boot.
Unlock Met expectations