

Photocopy machines

There are 10 walk-up photocopy machines available on campus: in front of the bookstore, in the chemistry building, by the registrar's office, on library lower level 1, in the library basement, two on the library main floor, on the library second floor, and two in printing services. Anyone using the machines is expected to observe the copyright laws.

The following chart shows options for accessing each one.

Location Credit
In front of bookstore x x  
Chemistry building x x  
By the registrar's office   x  
Library lower level one   x x
Library basement x x  
Library main floor (2) x x x
Library second floor x x  
Printing services (2) x x  

Departmental credit cards are available from the business office secretary. Debit cards can be purchased from a dispenser in the library (main floor) and at the cashier's window in Eliot Hall. Coin-operated machines give change from dollar bills.

For jobs larger than 50 copies, it is best to use the walk-up machine in printing services. For larger tasks including collating, stapling, binding, and thesis copying, go to printing services. Seniors can establish accounts to facilitate thesis copying. Most tasks can be accomplished within one working day, but seniors should be forewarned to avoid the thesis deadline rush.

(Page last modified: March 25, 2018)