

A member of the Residence Life staff will go through each individual room, restroom, hallway, and lounge in every residence hall at the end of the semester to check for damages.

Listed below is a "general guideline" for what it will cost to repair and/or replace damaged items beyond normal wear and tear in the residence halls. Damage found in individual rooms will be divided among the occupants of the room (doubles or triples) if it can not be determined who caused the damage. Damage found in common areas (restrooms, lounges, hallways, etc.) will be divided among the members of the floor/hall.

Reed would prefer not to charge students for damages. Instead, both the residence life and physical plant staffs would like it if students would return all furniture back to its original location and report or minimize damage before leaving the halls. It takes a tremendous amount of staff time to get the halls back in order after Commencement.

Students will be informed of any charges totaling over $235 via email. Students who completed an express check out are unable to contest fines. Students who completed a standard check out have until June 15 to contest any damage fines. Requests received after June 15 will not be considered.

Item to be Cleaned or Repaired Estimated Cost
Removal of garbage or abandoned items $25 per 13-gallon trash bag or large item
Additional cleaning charges $25-$75 per residence hall room
$25-$150 per 1 or 2 bedroom apartment
Wall repair (patching, plastering, painting, etc.)  $75 per wall or ceiling
Door repair (patching, plastering, painting, etc.) $50 per door
Floor repair $50 - total cost of replacing tile
Smoke detector $100 fine for tampering with detector
Shade or blind replacement $25 per shade or blind
Window replacement $100-$1,000 (billed at cost)
Thermostat $50 (total cost of replacement)
Electrical repairs or replacement $50-$100 replacement of light fixture
$25 to repair sockets
General repairs (door knobs, window latches, etc.) $25 per room
Fire extinguishers $25 refill
$50 replacement
$100 fine for tampering with the extinguisher
Furniture $25 to return furniture to original location;
missing items will be charged at full replacement cost