
The Center for Life Beyond Reed

Chemistry Department Summer Research Fellowships

Fellowships awarded by the Chemistry Department are intended to support Reed students pursuing special projects in chemistry during the summer months. The projects must be conducted under the guidance of a mentor, but need not be on-campus (for example, these can support off-campus projects with a faculty member from another institution). Fellowship awards are for a minimum 10-week full time engagement. The stipend amount for summer 2025 is $6,600.

A single application can be submitted for consideration for all applicable fellowships. Please follow the instructions below to prepare your proposal. Proposals will be judged on their contribution to the applicant’s development in chemistry. All applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with a member of the chemistry department before reaching out to potential off-campus research advisors, and in preparing any application.

Summer Research funding is available through the following sources:

  • Glenn Clark Memorial Research Fund
  • Marshall W. Cronyn Student Research Fund
  • Professor Maggie Geselbracht Chemistry Student Research Fund
  • Kaye V. Ladd Student-Faculty Research Fund
  • R.T. Leber Chemistry Fellowship Fund
  • Dr. Jane Galbraith Shell Raymond Student Research Fund in Chemistry
  • Arthur F. Scott and Marshall W. Cronyn Student Research Fund
  • Alfred W. Weitkamp Student Research Bursary Fund
  • Frank H. Westheimer Research Fund

Fellows are expected to present the outcomes of their projects to the Reed community in the fall semester following the fellowship.

Application Deadline

Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at 12:00PM noon

To Apply for On-Campus Summer Research

  1. Talk to Reed faculty about projects being supported on-campus over the summer.
  2. Complete the On-Campus application form found .

To Apply for Off-Campus Summer Research

To apply, please submit the following application materials electronically to Rachel Sanchez (rachels@reed.edu):

  1. One confidential letter of support (e-mailed directly to Rachel Sanchez) from the mentor who will be assisting you on the project. The letter should indicate support for the project as described in your proposal.
  2. A resume describing your relevant work, research, course or other experiences.
  3. Project description (1,000-word limit) detailing the project you plan to undertake. Include a description of your activities. What are the desired outcomes of the project, and how do they relate to your career goals? What will you bring back to Reed from the experience? How does the project fit into your broader training in chemistry and build off your prior experiences?
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. The chemistry department will evaluate the applications shortly after the application deadline.